#27 Mini Consignment – 3 Part
$16.00 – $139.00
Mini Consignment form used as a check-in, contract and settlement form. Space to list 14 consigned items. Smaller version of item #20. Use for small consignment lots. In 3-part carbonless sets. Also, space for your auction name address stamp.
I (consignor) hereby commission you to sell the items listed above & on
the attached sheets to the highest bidder by public auction. I certify that
I am the owner of the above listed items and have good title and the right
to sell them. I certify that the items listed are free from all encumbrances.
I agree to accept all responsibility for providing good title and for delivery
of title to the purchaser. It is agreed that the consignee is not responsible
for the loss of any item due to fire, theft, damage, etc. I understand that
a ______________% commission will be deducted from the gross sales
of my items. “No Bid” items will be disposed of at the discretion of the
Auctioneer/Auction House. Payment will be made to the consignor within
_________ days from date of sale.